Saturday, September 15, 2007

Another week another war

damn cant we be left alone for longer as a week. yes the ivy league has been wardecced AGAIN.
we had less then a week of relax time when the we got decced again.

Personaly i realy need to get mining. i'm missing so much income per day due to these wardecs its not funny anymore. Right now im looking to add another month to generating cash to get my capitol ships ready and other stuff.

well we are only facing a small gang of ppl so we are going to see what happands.
it can become intresting but i expect nothing more then a bunch of guys that think they can mess with the big boys in empire. wouldnt suprise me at all if we kick them out of korsiki and we never see em till the war ends. all in all i expect boredom

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Wednesday, September 12, 2007

it has been some time

Ola boys and girls it has been some time since my last message but allot of stuff happaned to me in the eve world.

ok lets start off im still in the eve university after more then a year. and im having a blast
ive made it up to financial director and ive been 0.0 director in the past few months. when we where out in the drone space.

in that space ive seen allot of intresting stuff ive layed my eyes on all types of ore for the first time.
ive fought large 120+ fleet battles for the system but in the end we where forced to pull out becouse of hostile neighbors.

last few weeks ive been busy mining like mad to get my isk for a carrier and some other nice gear and skills that i still need. during the past few weeks we have been wardecced by mdk who where after our LSAA (empire based) during the wardec LSAA became illigal and gm's unanchored them all round high sec empire space soon after that the wardec ended.

and guys here comes the best part of all I dooka have fought in the alliance tournament and kicked not much ass but atleast enough to make the commentators go "ohhh nice"

the alliance tourney is in closed space where no players can come so that was pretty cool beeing out in Jove space (As its called)

Images will follow soon
Greets dookie

as soon i find a dump for all my images and stuff ive taken over the past months ill dump it online
